*Brandy and Joel worked hard for everything they have. Joel is a mechanic and Brandy worked in customer service once their children were grown. They still live in the two-bedroom trailer where they raised their children.
Despite their hard work, life has not been easy. Family and health issues created stress and hard choices. Their children, now adults, chose difficult paths that led them to incarceration and treatment, and Brandy and Joel to emergency kinship custody of eight grandchildren.
"We had no idea this was coming! We aren't ready," she shared with our volunteer the next week. "We need so much more food now, and clothes." We went to work on helping this family with extra food and financial support, and we have remained with them throughout this challenging year. We helped with two utility bills and provided new bookbags, school supplies, and clothing for every child. We were also able to purchase bunk beds that fit in their small home so that every child had a bed to sleep in. "We are just so grateful you didn't abandon us," Brandy said. "You've been here for us, helping us fill in all the gaps so we could focus on school and all their other needs ."
Life often creates gaps for our clients. Your generosity to Dallas Christian Ministry makes it possible for us to fill in the gaps necessary for them to move forward and feel surrounded by care. Thank you!